Human evolution; should Nature just "let it be"?

In order for anything, or anyone, to really change; one thing must die, decompose, become dust, often become extinct.
Then, and only then, can real change take place; a new and improved animal, plant, or species there of evolve.
Trees and many other plants excluding death caused by disease or famine can live for what we mere humans consider to be a very long time.
Some animals, including fish (sharks), tortoises, turtles, marine crustaceans (lobsters), and POLITICIANS can also live for, what we consider to be, a very long time. Then, there still exists air, earth, rock and water. None of these things have changed, or evolved, to any real, marked, degree.
While energy cannot be destroyed; never dies (or so we are told by science);True, Everlasting Life, Requires Death; and Then Evolution, or Metamorphosis
Timeless as Nature-the Creator of all is; apparently, Nature at times, none the less, similar to mankind, gets somewhat restless--DAMN WELL BORED, WITH LIFE, AND WITH CREATION. Nature craves a change of scene. In Nature’s realm in order for a change of scene something must—well—CHANGE.
In order for anything, or anyone, to really change; one thing must die, decompose, become dust, often become extinct.
Then, and only then, can real change take place; a new and improved animal, plant, or species there of evolve.
Trees and many other plants excluding death caused by disease or famine can live for what we mere humans consider to be a very long time.
Some animals, including fish, tortoises, turtles, and marine crustaceans, can also live for, what we consider to be, a very long time. Then there still exists air, earth, rock and water. None of these things have evolved to any real marked degree.
While energy cannot be destroyed; never dies (or so we are told by science);True, Everlasting Life, Requires Death; and Then Evolution, or Metamorphosis, of the New, Improved Version. © Al (Alex-Alexander) D. Girvan.